
How to get rid of diabetes in Singapore can only confuse me. The famous endocrinologist from Brani gave frank interviews with the media in Singapore

Dr. Ryan - Head of Renowned Endocrinology in Singapore.

Dr. Rayan: "In Singapore, diabetes is treated with medicines more than previous generations, so that the number of patients increases every year."

Last year, Ryan Tan came to Singapore to study the experience of his counterparts from Singapore. As he said, there was no rhyme or reason for what he saw in Singapore. According to Ryan, in our country a business built using diabetics helps people deal with the problem...

Once the presentation was great in Singapore, Doctor Rayan agreed to give interviews to Singapore media. What was the disappointment of the famous doctor about the method of treating diabetes in Singapore? And why does he claim that in Singapore there is "nothing to worry about" about diabetes?

- Watch your conversation with journalists Brani, you say that what you see in Singapore surprises you. Can you comment on that?

First, I would like to say that I love Singapore, the culture and the citizens. But the way they deal with diabetes left the ribat doctor shocked. Medicines that pursue very different goals. At least in the field of endocrinology.

What do doctors offer to treat diabetes in Singapore? Metformin, Sever, Glucophage, Galvus, and other similar medicines.

But any doctor will tell you, diabetes cannot be eliminated with these drugs. They couldn't do that. These drugs are mentally and physically old! All they can do is reduce the amount of glucose in the blood in various ways. They do it temporarily. So when the drug's effect is lost, glucose levels rise again. These medicines should be taken regularly, and should be taken by diabetics in Singapore.

But the increase in sugar levels that occurs during this treatment is just as dangerous as high levels of glucose. Any doctor will tell you! They slowly destroy blood vessels and internal organs. This means that all the consequences of diabetes (sight problems, heart, reproductive system, kidney failure, diabetic foot, etc.) will occur on their own. maybe later.

You would be surprised if I told you that the lace method of treating diabetes has not been used for nearly 20 years. And all of the drugs listed for lowering glucose levels may only be used in very rare cases - when it is necessary to lower glucose levels.

Is there such a difference? I can only explain this by the fact that Singapore doctors were not interested in making diabetes a disease that can be eradicated. After all, you have to admit that it is much more profitable to constantly sell nutritional supplements and make money to people with diabetes than actually helping people.

And in Singapore, as far as I know, there is a free supplement for diabetics, but it is very difficult to get it. why? Are there not enough nutritional supplements in Singapore?

People are on TV almost every week to talk about the drug mafia, and no one has done anything with it. why? I think you already know everything. Becoming diabetic in Singapore is not easy! But for drug manufacturers, diabetics are the source of gold!

- What about diabetes treatment in Brani?

Almost all diabetics in Brani feel healthier, and more than 60% of former diabetics return to a healthy life. That is, they liberated the total diabetes mellitus. All thanks to a completely different approach to treatment. Of course, we are talking about type 2 diabetes, which is also called acquired or age-related diabetes (as it usually appears with age). This is about insulin-independent diabetes.

Therefore, Brani scientists in the early 2000s realized that blood glucose levels can be normalized not only by increasing insulin levels (this is the approach used in the treatment of diabetes in Singapore, which provides a temporary effect), but also by increasing the reaction of glucose solution alone. . That is, by lowering insulin resistance. With this approach, much less insulin is needed to completely break down glucose - in many cases produced by the body itself.

Understanding the effects of insulin resistance is key to eliminating type diabetes

But the greatest thing about this method is that during the period of consumption, the function of the pancreas is normal - type 2 diabetes will completely disappear. Yes, this process is not fast, it may take from six months to a year, but it has become fine as before. What does it mean to be healthy? This means that a person can be completely free from all symptoms of diabetes, no longer need to control blood sugar, and the fear of diabetes will destroy him from the inside. This is at least a 10-15 year life extension!

When I look at Singapore statistics, my body trembles. Did you know that diabetes in Singapore is the second most common cause of death and second only to cardiovascular disease? And people die of the disease at a young age - up to 90% of people with diabetes live no more than 60 years!

Are there really no supplements in Singapore that can reduce insulin resistance?


- In Singapore, as in Brani, there is no cure for type 2 diabetes. In Singapore, it is GlucoPRO. Many diabetics owe their health to this. GlucoPRO was developed by Singapore scientists in 2010. The main active ingredient of this drug is Levure Nutri Optimum extract. This substance is able to strengthen the reaction of a glucose solution more than 7 times! Which leads to the normalization of blood sugar levels. In addition, as mentioned above, a decrease in resistance is observed not only after taking the drug, but also for its prolongation.

In addition to Levure Nutri Optimum, GlucoPRO also contains an extract of Chrome (Levure Lynside Forte Cr 2000) which is beneficial for the health of diabetics, micro and macro elements including those aimed at improving internal organs damaged by diabetes.

As you can see, these drugs have a complex effect on the disease.

- Is GlucoPRO sold in pharmacies in Singapore?

- The truth is not. At the same time without a doubt, the endocrinologists in Singapore who are less interested in this progressive method negate the realization of the effectiveness of the extract of the herb Levure Nutri Optimum that can reduce insulin resistance.

As far as I know, the manufacturer wants to enter the pharmaceutical market GlucoPRO Singapore. But they are not allowed to do so with hundreds of obstacles. As mentioned earlier, no one is of any use in helping diabetics in Singapore. However, pharmacology is today's business! Even in Brani. But if business in Brani is honest (people should be healthy), unfortunately in Singapore, don't do it!

What are your recommendations for diabetics in Singapore?

Ordinary people, especially those over 50 , will suffer the most. But fortunately there is a way out now. The GlucoPRO Endocrinology Center in Brani is currently distributing a discount of up to 50٪ to diabetics in Singapore by clicking on the "PLAY" button below. Doctors create WEB SPECIAL, and the manufacturer provides a number of necessary drugs. Therefore, all diabetics in Singapore can now easily order GlucoPRO in Singapore.

Now I will tell you how GlucoPRO reservations.

The trick is:

  1. Fill out the form - leave your name and phone number.
  2. After a while, our consultants will contact you and answer all your questions. You must tell your shipping address. بك.
  3. After 5-7 days, just wait for orders to arrive by mail.

We are already distributing GlucoPRO for 3 months. Several thousand diabetics in Singapore took advantage of this opportunity. Each person receiving GlucoPRO was asked to take a survey - how well the drug helped them. Currently, more than 2,000 people have participated in the survey.

Scan results:

  • Reducing blood sugar to the normal level - 99% of respondents.
  • The disappearance of all symptoms of diabetes: thirst, fatigue, frequent urination, etc. - 96% of the respondents.
  • Improving eyesight and sexual function - 92% of respondents.
  • Improvement of skin condition - 98% of respondents.
  • No side effects and addiction - 100% of respondents.

- How long is the show?

- Until the assigned payment is completed. But I wanted to warn that there are very few packages left. Recently, more and more people have been requested. Diabetics in Singapore already know the higher effectiveness compared to traditional tablets for reducing glucose levels.

Until the completion of this supplement, I suggest all diabetics leave the application on the site.

A doctor's certificate is not to get the drug!


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Facebook Comments


Thank you. This is so much fun. I had booked GlucoPRO. Counselors on the phone said there were still plenty of packages left. So, anyone who wants, order soon!


I was one of those who tried this drug. Sugar level returned to normal. I don't have a dry mouth, dry mouth, frequent toilet visits, or dizziness. I check my blood sugar levels every day after taking this medication and the results are not back. Two months have passed since the treatment. I feel myself to be healthier. I recommend to everyone.


Thank you. so interesting. I have read about the GlucoPRO website. Very impressive.


I left a request. They promised I would mail it in 5 days. I really hope so. I'm already bored of diabetes. What did I do to get diabetes in my old age


I already received the order yesterday. I don't think it will arrive quickly. I think this is a scam. But I was taking these drugs and started drinking them all real, real good.


welcome all. My name is Nazima, I am 59 years old, my initial weight - 124 kg, today's body weight - 80 kg, height - 164 cm. Glucose levels fluctuate from 18 to 12, and it was 29. Now - 5.0. I have been taking GlucoPRO for two months. The result was amazing. No such supplement has helped me.


This is true regarding the main objective of the Singapore doctors. What they need from us is money! They don't prescribe supplements that should be given at a discount, but there are plenty of things in the drugstore. Buy and be happy. complete ignorance. I worry about my people, we act like animals. No one has ever bothered diabetics. Sad that I couldn't stay in Brani. Thanks for posting the information.


Diabetes is a very serious disease. I've been there for 4 years without any symptoms, only dry mouth. So I don't believe in an amputated leg etc. But recently I fainted and was taken to the hospital, where I underwent tests. It turned out that everything was very bad. The kidneys are prone to cancer, and the blood vessels are so tired that doctors are shocked. This is what happens when you don't deal with illness. I've heard a lot about GlucoPRO, but don't know in what order. Now I already know. Thank you!


It was really something! I have been drinking GlucoPRO for several weeks. I didn't feel like this. The sugar level becomes normal the next day after taking the first dose.


I also have experience with treatment with GlucoPRO. I have been taking it for 4 months (my daughter bought it). Diabetes I usually ignore, but after very bad liver tests. Eventually I started to care less and consume GlucoPRO. GlucoPRO does a very good job!


I have been using GlucoPRO for two years now. Booked on the official website. I feel like a healthy person already for 1.5 years. From everything I try (I am diabetic), GlucoPRO is the best dietary supplement. Don't hesitate anymore! This is a savior from disease!


I had booked GlucoPRO. I live in Pamulang and they promised to send in a week. I will wait.


Thank you!


My friend told me about this. He stayed there. They were there as is, and perhaps also in all of Marrakesh. Singapore corruption Of course, supplements that actually work will not be on the shelves of pharmacies ...


I really like GlucoPRO and have been drinking it for a week. It helps very well


Yes, I could have ordered it on time. I'll start consuming. If diabetes is not underestimated, it will cause death